Rheoline MFR

The Rheoline Multi-Function Rheometer (MFR) is the most innovative dynamic testing rheometer from Prescott Instruments, designed to deliver reliable results to the most precise accuracies with an extensive range of test stages or operations. The Rheoline Multi-Function Rheometer can fulfil the tasks of both a Moving Die Rheometer (MDR) and a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR), providing vital analytical and statistical data of elastomeric properties to the finest detail, making this the ultimate choice for any polymer specialists.

One key benefit of the Rheoline Multi-Function Rheometer is that it is possible to study the nuanced characteristics of rubber before, during and after the vulcanisation process. The instrument can be used firstly at lower temperatures and frequencies to study the process of polymers, secondly as a standard MDR and thirdly as a dynamic mechanical analyser to evaluate the cured properties of materials.

This dynamic rubber testing instrument utilises a new generation In-line Servo Motor coupled with digital servo drive technology, together with our acquisition and analysis Labline Software, which has fantastic flexibility and provides a wide range of test conditions with unlimited test methods.

With superior temperature control mechanisms resulting in an impressive variation of ± 0.03 °C from the set point, the Rheoline Multi-Function is an exceptionally stable instrument that delivers outstanding repeatability. This instrument also comes complete with an Air Cooling System as standard to assist in the efficient operation of a Temperature Sweep.

Modes of Operation

This instrument comes with a set of pre-programmed tests and supports complete flexibility, giving the user complete control of the test stages. User-defined tests can contain any of the modes of operation, either as a single or combination (Linked) test.

The Linked Test feature can be used to efficiently measure many properties of a rubber sample within a single, continuous test. One popular combination includes a pre-cure strain and frequency sweep, then a cure test, followed by a post-cure strain and frequency sweep. 

  • Frequency Sweep
  • Strain Sweep
  • Temperature Sweep (with Forced Cooling)
  • Standard MDR Mode
  • Pre-set Test Specifications
  • Conditioning
  • Combination (Linked) Tests


ISO 6502 / ISO 13145

ASTM D5289 / ASTM D6048 / ASTM D6204

ASTM D6601 / ASTM 7605

DIN 53529

Temperature Range

Ambient to 250 °C

± 0.03 °C

Oscillation Frequency

0.001 Hz to 50 Hz

Oscillation Amplitude

± 0.001 ° to 360 °

Forced Cooling


Pressure Module


As part of Prescott Instruments commitment to you, the Rheoline Multi-Function Rheometer is supplied complete with everything needed to perform dynamic, accurate and efficient elastomeric compound testing.

The provided PC comes pre-installed and calibrated with Labline software, an advanced data acquisition and analysis software suite exclusively available from Prescott Instruments.

  • Microsoft Windows ® OS PC (monitor, keyboard and mouse)
  • Labline Software
  • All peripheral cables and connectors
  • Essentials spares package
  • Free technical support (one year)

The Rheoline Multi-Function Rheometer is supplied with the latest computer hardware, pre-installed with Labline LIMS for Microsoft Windows ® OS, an innovative and advanced acquisition software package developed by Prescott Instruments.

This version of software grants an unlimited amount of test specifications with any number of test points. The software is complete with a calibration module to ensure only the most accurate measurements are recorded. 

Key Features

  • Automatic Pass/Fail Result
  • Laboratory Statistics
  • Multilingual
  • Simple Instrument & Test Configuration
  • Pre-loaded Test Specifications
  • Produce Trend charts
  • Easy Result Recalculation
  • Report Printing Capabilities

Supports ODBC Database Connections:

– Microsoft Access ®

– Microsoft SQL Server ®

– IBM DB2 ®

Test Methods

  • Standard Cure (MDR mode, non-isothermal)
  • Strain (Sweep LAOS)
  • Payne test
  • Stress Relaxation
  • Frequency Sweep
  • Conditioning
  • Linked Test (any combination of any test method and any duration)

All Test Methods have an unlimited selection of data points on all channel curves.

Test Points

Labline has an extensive range of test points:

Minimum (ML)Maximum (MH)
Scorch (TS)Cure Percentage
Minimum (True)Maximum (True)
Time GateCure Gate
ReversionCure Rate
Cure Rate TimeCure Rate Value
Delta CureDelta Cure Time
Max. Percentage
Frequency GateFrequency Gate (Rev)
Strain GateStrain Gate (Rev)
Temperature GateTemperature Gate (Rev)


  • Elastic Torque
  • Viscous Torque
  • Tangent Delta
  • Cure Rate
  • Temperature (Upper)
  • Temperature (Lower)
  • Pressure in Cavity (Supplied as std.)
  • Complex Torque
  • Loss Angle
  • Storage Modulus
  • Loss Modulus
  • Complex Modulus
  • Storage Compliance
  • Loss Compliance
  • Complex Compliance
  • Real Dynamic Visc.
  • Imag. Dynamic Visc.
  • Dynamic Complex Visc.

Units of Measurement

  • Time: secs, min:sec, min.dec
  • Temperature: °C, °F
  • Torque: dNm, Inlbs, kgcm
  • Pressure: kPa, Lbs/In2, Kg/cm
  • Cure Rate: InLbs/s, dNm/min, InLbs/min, dNm/s
  • Angle: °, rad
  • Frequency: Hz, CPM, rad/s
  • Strain: %, rad arc
  • Modulus: kPa
  • Compliance: /MPa
  • Dynamic Viscosity: kPa.sec

The dynamic properties of an elastomer can be best investigated by measuring the specimen response to an applied sinusoidal deformation. The Rheoline Multi-Function Rheometer is an example of a Dynamic Shear Rheometer as it applies a shear force to the sample as the instrument oscillates through a small angular amplitude. The resultant torque is analysed and split into two distinct components: the elastic and viscous response of the sample.

The elastic component of the elastomer is responsible for the in-phase stress, while the viscous component is responsible for the out-of-phase stress. The amount by which the strain response lags the resultant of the two stresses (in-phase and out-of-phase) is known as the phase or loss angle, δ. The more viscous an elastomer is, the greater the phase or loss angle. The tangent of this angle “tan δ,” in the simplest terms, is the ratio of the viscous modulus to the elastic modulus.

Elastic Torque, S′Loss Shear Modulus, G′′
The peak amplitude torque component which is in phase with a sinusoidal applied strain.The ratio of (viscous) peak amplitude shear stress to peak amplitude shear strain for the torque component 90° out of phase with a sinusoidal applied strain. Mathematically, G′′ = [(S′′/Area)/Peak Strain]
Viscous Torque, S′′Complex Shear Modulus, G*
The peak amplitude torque component which is 90° out of phase with a sinusoidal applied strain.The ratio of peak amplitude shear stress to peak amplitude shear strain. Mathematically, G* = [(S*/Area)/Peak Strain] = (G′² + G′′²)^1/2
Complex Torque, S*Loss Factor, Tan delta
The peak amplitude torque response measured by a reaction torque transducer for a sinusoidal applied strain. Mathematically, S* = (S′² + S′′²)^1/2The ratio of loss modulus to storage modulus,or the ratio of viscous torque to elastic torque. Mathematically, tan delta = G′′/G′ = S′′/S′
Loss Angle, deltaDynamic Complex Viscosity, n*
The phase angle by which the complex torque (S*) leads a sinusoidal applied strain.The ratio of the complex shear modulus, G*, to the oscillation frequency in rads/sec.
Storage Shear Modulus, G′Real Dynamic Viscosity, n′
The ratio of (elastic) peak amplitude shear stress to peak amplitude shear strain for the torque component in phase with a sinusoidal applied strain. Mathematically, G′ = [(S′/Area)/Peak Strain]The ratio of the loss shear modulus, G′′, to the oscillation frequency in rads/sec.


Conforms to:

  • ISO 6502 / ISO 13145
  • ASTM D5289 / ASTM D6048 / ASTM D6204
  • ASTM D6601 / ASTM D7605
  • DIN 53529

Technical Specifications

Die System:Rotor-less, Biconical, Sealed System
Die Gap:0.45 mm nominal
Oscillation Frequency:0.001 Hz to 50 Hz
Oscillation Amplitude:± 0.001 ° to 360 °
Temperature Range:Ambient to 250 °C
Maximum Heat Rate:80 °C/min
Cooling Rate:Forced air: 20 °C/min
Temperature Control:3 term PID, control accuracy to ± 0.03 °C
Torque Device:Reaction transducer in upper platen
Torque Range:0.001 to 250 dNm
Cavity Volume:4.5 cm³
Pressure in Cavity:0.001 to 10 kN
Calibration Device:Torsion spring
Closing System:Soft closing to reduce breakage of film and distortion of sample
Drive System:In line servo-motor and Aerotech digital controller
Fitted Cooling System:Yes
Electrical:Single Phase 220/240 V 50 Hz | 110 V 60 Hz | 350 VA
Pneumatics:Filtered Air, Min: 0.41 Mpa | 60 psi | 4.14 Bar | 4.2 kg/cm
Weight:250 kg
Dimensions:575 mm x 570 mm x 1280 mm (W x D x H)
It is strongly recommended that samples are prepared with an automatic Volumetric Sample Cutter.

Perfectly designed for use with the Rheoline Multi-Function Rheometer, the Rheoline Volumetric Sample Cutter (VSC) can be relied upon to provide samples of consistent volume and size. 

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