India Rubber Expo 2019
In January 2019 Prescott Instruments attended the India Rubber Expo (IRE) 2019, the 10th international exhibition and conference of its kind, held in Mumbai, India.
Over the course of 3 days, this much anticipated event served as a valuable platform to showcase a range of Prescott Instruments products and demonstrate our capabilities. Our testing experts were kept busy speaking with both new and existing customers across the rubber industry.
This year, we exhibited machines from both our Rheometer and Dynamic Testing lines. Our new all-electric 10kN DMA complete with temperature cabinet delivered clean, powerful testing of compounds and complete products up to 300Hz. The Multifunction Rheometer (MFR) and Mooney-Line Viscometer demonstrated our proven expertise at rheology across the rubber testing industry. Visitors were also welcome to test drive our Labline software, a sophisticated solution to the testing and data-processing needs of modern industry.
If you would like any more information on Prescott Instruments or any of the machines mentioned, please contact us here.
For more information on the India Rubber Expo 2019, click here.